Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blogtimize - Optimize the ads on your blog

Blogtimize - Optimize the ads on your blog

When working with a blog, you're facing some interesting ad implementation challenges: a predetermined page format, highly targeted content, and regular visitors, among other things. To make the most of your readership and content, here are a few suggestions:
Blend ads into your blog
To increase the likelihood that your readers will see and click on your ads, blend your ad units into the background of your blog. Choose a bold color for the ad title to help draw attention to your ads, then make sure that the background and borders of your ads are the same color as the background of the area where the ad is placed.

Experiment with multiple ad formats and locations
In general, wider ad formats tend to be more reader-friendly. Placing an ad unit after the first post will likely catch your readers' attention. Take a look at our sample implementations to get some ideas. Also, consider placing a Skyscraper (120x600) or vertical link unit on the right side of your blog. If you're using Blogger, you can find instructions on placing AdSense code in your blog's sidebar.
Offer readers more options with search
To make sure you're earning the most revenue possible with AdSense, go beyond just ads to use AdSense for search. You can increase your earnings, provide readers with valuable information, and take advantage of flexible formats.
Improve ad targeting
With section targeting, you can target an ad unit to a specific section of your blog, as well as block out irrelevant sections like navigational links. We recommend that only those familiar with HTML attempt to implement section targeting.
Tip for promoting your blog: If you're a Blogger user, activate this setting to notify, a blog update notification service, whenever you have updated your blog. That means your blog will be included in various "recently updated" lists on the web as well as other blog-related services. View more tips.

Making AdSense fit your forum site

Making AdSense fit your forum site

When you run a forum site, ad placement and formats are key to designing ads that will be successful but not intrusive to your regular users.
MapPlacement: Display your ad units where repeat users will notice them
  • Because forum regulars tend to skip the header and go straight to the meat of the thread, placing your ad unit above or below the first post can be more effective than ads next to the logo.
  • Place a leaderboard immediately after the last post. This provides users who make it to the end of a thread with a 'next step' when the content ends. Try to avoid placing it after the footer, though, as your readers will likely move to the next thread without seeing the ad.
Formats: Adapting your design for multiple ad units and limited space.
  • Using multiple ad units, you can use a variety of formats to fill ad space throughout your site. Placing a skyscraper above the fold on the left side of your forum seems to produce slightly better performance than other positioning. However, when using multiple ad units throughout the page our horizontal bias still favors the leaderboard. Our heat map provides more details.
  • Use horizontal link units, which are small enough to fit near the top of your forum just below the header. For the regular forum visitor, link units offer a wider range of relevant topics to browse.
However you choose to implement your ads, keep in mind that forums are highly interactive sites with regular users. Be sure to blend the ads nicely, so they don't appear overly intrusive - but don't blend them so well they mislead your users! Every forum site is different and you know your community best, so as always use your own judgment to create the most positive experience for your users.
Tip for making the most of revenue opportunities: Like most sites, forums can benefit from opting in to image ads. Supporting image ads increases the pool of ads - particularly cost-per-thousand-impression (CPM) ads - bidding to display on your site. Since forums tend to have lower clickthrough rates than other types of sites, CPM ads can improve revenue without the need for clicks. Keep in mind, however, that CPM ads come in both text and image formats.

A Summer on the Island

'A Summer on the Island'

exhibition is open to visit everday until April 9th between 10 am -7 pm

at Siemens Sanat

The exhibition curated by Emre Zeytinoğlu includes the artworks of; Stella Angelidou, Ani Setyan, Simge Uygur and Hasan Zeybek.

The artists interpret the idea of 'being an islander' and bring different points of view to the island life associated with the consumption culture of the present time. The artists are the addresses and even the figures of the romantic stories fictionalized by others on their islands. In this exhibition they present their unique thoughts on their own islands to the audiences through their artworks.

Please click here here for map

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The digital CRM approach

The digital CRM approach

Nowadays, I’m in touch with some digital projects and the building blocks of these digital experience designs really attract my attention. I see that there is no clear guideline for these projects to be well-equipped. And that’s why I’m going to focus on “the should have’s” (*) today.

(*) “Should have” things because of the maturity state of digital experiences. We should at least have these...

Definition of "the digital CRM"

As I mentioned before about the web evolving through the creative-only land to functionally-creative land, now it’s time to have a clear definition of “the digital CRM”.

I see 2 approaches;
1. CRM extending itself to digital
(like the social CRM approach of Oracle, the social networking accelerator for MS CRM gives us some clue of this)
2. Digital experience extending itself to CRM
(which is more important for me and maybe the right land for the digital CRM)

So... We can define digital CRM as “the digital experience designs equipped with essentials (*) of relationship management in a data-driven manner”.

(*) These essentials (which I'll give a check-list later) maybe categorized like this;
  • business objectives,
  • data capabilities,
  • competencies


Do you remember "Bring the love back" of Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions, 2008. 

My review:
"Digital CRM approach will end the break-up. Agencies should take care of this approach."

OK, let's continue...

Essentials check-list

The most important guidance here is "the essentials of the relationship management" for digital experiences. Now, let’s analyze the essentials;

Business objectives
  • Answers: You should have answers...

    • Why do we create this web presence?
    • What do we want our target audience to do?
  • Micro/macro conversion points
  • Conversion routes

The business objectives of the digital experience design will clearly define & give a direction to the relationship management between you and your target audience.

Data capabilities
  • Data storage 
  • Data management 
  • Data discovery 
  • Analyst 

The data stuff can be named as the web analytics capabilities but we should not mention these as something like software features, we should keep in mind this; 
“why are we going to use these stuff?”.

  • It’s not important to have the data discovery capability,
      unless we have the search for insight in mind.
  • It’s not important to have the data analysis capability,
      unless we have the discovery in mind.
  • It’s not important to have the data management capability,
      unless we have the data analysis in mind.
  • It’s not important to have the data storage capability,
      unless we have the data management in mind.
Yesss: why are we going to use it?


  • Messaging 
  • Collaboration 
  • Apps 
and so on.

Not every experience should be equipped with all of these competencies. It depends on your needs;

  • If you design an experience to improve the loyalty,
      collaboration maybe a good choice for co-existence and interaction. 
  • If you design an experience targeting WOM, 
      messaging & sharing maybe a good choice for directing people through a route
      and creating the buzz. 
  • If you design an experience for engagement,
      a branded app, advergame, etc. maybe a good choice for brand awareness... 


As you have noticed these are huge topics for a blog entry. So today, it’s important for us to plan “the should have ones” before creating a digital experience to be called digital CRM.

I suggest you to remember one more complementary entry;
what’s the state of your web presence?.

I’ll be happy, if you share things in mind to improve this important topic.

Post: Mar 30, 2010
Tags: web analytics

Friday, March 26, 2010

We Use Coupons –

We Use Coupons – is an online community full of people who use coupons and discuss when and where to use them! There are tons of resources available on the web about couponing. Forums are another great tool to check out to keep up with good deals and sales! The more of us working together, the more money we can save

Ohio Appliance Rebate: Special Program For Energy Star Products Officially Underway

Ohio Appliance Rebate: Special Program For Energy Star Products Officially Underway

The Ohio Appliance Rebate program began today, incentivizing customers to invest in Energy Star appliances.

The rebate applies to refrigerators, clothes washers, dishwashers, gas storage water heaters, and electric heat pump water heaters, and it ranges from $100 to $250 depending on the appliance.

The Ohio Appliance Rebate Web site noted some of the rules behind the program, which began rewarding Ohioans on a first-come, first-served basis at 8 a.m. today:

New appliances must be purchased within 3 days of reserving your rebate, and old appliances must be recycled so they are rendered inoperable. Online purchases do not qualify for a rebate. notes that approximately $10.5 million dollars is available for the rebate program.

Some 90,000 rebates in all are expected to be given out and some retailers are extending hours to allow customers to buy new appliances and utilize the rebate, WFMJ reports.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The fastest browser on Earth

Opera 10.51!
The fastest browser on Earth

Opera 10.51. We hope you enjoy our latest and best browser ever. To start Opera again in the future, look for the red “O” icon in your start menu or desktop.

Top 5 Mobile Marketing Reads of the Week

Top 5 Mobile Marketing Reads of the Week

Posted by Virginia Nussey on 03/18/2010 @ 4:39 pm |

There’s no denying that mobile marketing is the wave of the future. More and more people use their smart phones to locate products, stores and info on the go. Reaching people in this state of location-based immediacy is a retail marketers dream.

The time for mobile marketing preparation is now if you want to be in the game. Start your research into mobile marketing’s big news of the week right here.

1. The FCC’s National Broadband Plan

This week the Federal Communications Commission unveiled its plan for improving broadband access in the U.S. The FCC’s plan aims to extend broadband access to all Americans and relies heavily on mobile broadband networks. You can download the FCC’s 376-page National Broadband Plan, review the executive summary or check out analysis of the implications of the plan and what it might actually achieve as far as access, speed, mobile innovation, and community support. (As an aside, it’s interesting to note that the FCC is leveraging mobile appsto find mobile broadband dead zones.)

2. Google AdWords’ Tips for Mobile Ads

The Google AdWords blog has been publishing posts in its Go Mobile! series, and this week’s post focused on ways brick-and-mortar businesses can reach mobile searchers looking for local products or services. The four tips covered in the post are: control how your business appears in organic search results; reach more potential customers near you; drive local action with location extensions; and put it all together. The post describes each process and points to additional resources.

3. Making Mobile Apps that Stick

Cindy Crum speaking at SES

I’m a pretty heavy app user so I may be biased, but mobile apps are a great way to make an impression, prove your usefulness, and gain brand loyalty. In an interview in advance of next week’s SES New York, where she’s scheduled to be a speaker, Cindy Krum, author of Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are, talks about the benefit of mobile apps. From the SEO advantages to budget requirements to common characteristics of the most popular apps, the info gleaned in the interview can be summed up in two words: Action. Able.

4. Deciphering Mobile’s Alphabet Soup

Like all technologies, the mobile arena has its own glossary of jargon and acronyms. Cindy Krum makes another appearance on my top-5 list as she explains the ABCs of mobile, from QR to NFC and beyond. Most of this stuff is in the future for the U.S. market, but once the future’s here they’re going to change the face of marketing.

5. The Future of Mobile Ads Gets Personal

Here’s an example of mobile marketing’s next steps. The recently released Point Inside app for iPhones and Android-based phones lets retail businesses in malls promote events and sales to shoppers who are inside the mall. Shoppers win because they know what deals are being offered in the stores around them. And advertisers win because they can serve their ads to location-relevant shoppers with smart phones — which can be a sign of discretionary spending.

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Go Mobile! Series: Reach local customers

Go Mobile! Series: Reach local customers

About one in three mobile search queries are made by people who are looking for something in their local area. This means that local businesses have the opportunity to reach mobile users when they’re nearby and looking to take immediate action. Here are a few tips to help you reach these potential customers.

1) Control how your business appears in organic search results
Since more people search for businesses online than anywhere else, it's important to make sure your business listing can be easily found on and Google Maps. Creating a business listing in the Local Business Center helps ensure potential customers find you, and allows you to maintain full control over how your listing appears.

If your business already appears as a search result, you can use the Local Business Center to claim your listing and enter additional information like photos, hours of operation, website, and more.

2) Reach more potential customers near you
Whenever you create a campaign in your Google AdWords account, you can use location targeting to show your ads only to people close to your business. You can target potential customers within a given city, region or metro area. You can also define a radius around a certain point or set your own borders for more precise reach. Location targeting can help you improve the ROI on your ad campaigns by focusing on people who are nearby and therefore more likely to take action.

3) Drive local action with location extensions
A location extension is an optional additional line of ad text that shows your nearest business address to potential customers based on their location or search terms. People can click on the address to see a map of the area around your location. When the ad appears on mobile devices with full internet browsers, potential customers can also see a click-to-call phone number to connect directly with that business location by phone.

You can easily set up location extensions with the business information in your Local Business Center account or by manually entering the information in your AdWords account. While your ad will appear to users in any geographic location you chose to target, only people whose location signals indicate that they're close to one of your businesses will see your location extension.

4) Put it all together
How do geo-targeting and location extensions come together when ads appear on mobile devices? Let’s say you own a flower shop with several locations in the area. John is a potential customer who wants to pick up flowers on his way to a housewarming party. John can use his mobile phone to search for ‘flower shop.’ Since he’s close to one of your stores, your ad appears with a location extension showing the closest business address and phone number. John clicks on the business address to see a map and get driving directions. He then clicks on your phone number to call and make sure that you’re open for business and have ready-made bouquets in stock. Thanks to you, geo-targeting, and location extensions, John can quickly pick up a beautiful bouquet of lilies and make a great impression at the party!

Mobile users are often looking to take action immediately, whether it’s driving to a store or calling ahead to make sure that store has what they’re looking for. Try out these features to enable your customers to easily engage with your business.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 6:17 PM







Sunday, March 14, 2010

İzinli Pazarlama Yasa Tasarısı Hakkında.

İzinli Pazarlama Yasa Tasarısı Hakkında.

Adalet Bakanlığı, Avrupa Birliği mevzuatı ile uyum çerçevesinde 2002/58/EC sayılı direktifi baz alarak Elektronik Ticaret Kanunu'nun iki ayrı maddesinde değişiklik yapılmasını öngören bir kanun tasarısı hazırlamıştır. Söz konusu kanun tasarısı, 30.12.2009 tarihinde kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarının görüşlerine sunulmuş olup henüz TBMM komisyonlarına veya genel kuruluna gelmemiştir. Adalet Bakanlığı, tasarıyla ilgili kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarının görüşlerini aldıktan sonra tasarıda değişikliğe gidebileceği gibi, tasarı meclis komisyonunda veya genel kurulda değişikliğe uğrayabilir veya yasama süreci içinde tamamen de geri çekilebilir. Dolayısıyla henüz TBMM gündemine dahi gelmeyen bir tasarı söz konusudur ve bu tasarı yasalaşıp Resmi Gazete'de yayınlanarak yürürlüğe girene kadar hiç kimse için bağlayıcı olmayacaktır.

Tasarı eğer bu şekilde yasallaşırsa getireceği değişiklikler neler olacaktır?
Bundan böyle reklam, pazarlama, propaganda veya cinsel içerikli otomatik aramalar ile e-posta, faks ve SMS gönderimlerinde alıcılardan önceden izin alınması gerekecek ve alıcı tarafından verilen iznin kolayca iptal edilmesini mümkün kılacak şekilde gönderim yapılması kanunen zorunlu olacaktır. Bunun ihlal edilmesi halinde, diğer bir deyişle izin almaksızın alıcılara gönderim yapılması veya alıcının, verdiği izni iptal edebilmesine imkân tanımayan şekilde gönderim yapılması halinde ise gönderim yapan kişi veya kuruma 10.000 TL ile 100.000 TL arasında idari para cezası verilebilecektir. Dolayısıyla gönderim yapılacak alıcılardan önceden izin alınması ve gönderimlere alınan iznin nasıl iptal edileceğine dair bir açıklama konması halinde söz konusu yasaya uygun olarak gönderimlere devam edilebilecektir.Bu bağlamda euro.message mevcut standart sözleşmeleri alıcılardan izin alınması ve gönderimleri almak istemeyen alıcılara gönderim listesinden çıkma imkânı tanınmasına dair hükümler içerdiğinden zaten söz konusu tasarıya büyük oranda uyumludur. Tasarının yasalaşması halinde ise konuyla alakalı çok daha detaylı bir hukuki incelemeyle euro.message müşterileri bilgilendirilecek olup, yasaya uyum çerçevesinde gönderim izinlerinin alınması veya mevcut izinlerin güncellenmesi konusunda ayrıca bilgi verilecektir.euro.message Hukuk Danışmanı Av. İlker Atamer

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Opportunities Tab Beta: Now available to more advertisers

Opportunities Tab Beta: Now available to more advertisers

In July we announced US beta testing of the Opportunities tab, a new section in your AdWords account designed to help you find additional cost-effective traffic for your search campaigns.

Today we've begun expanding the beta to additional US advertisers, and we've also started including UK and Australian advertisers in the test. We'll make the Opportunities tab beta fully available to all English-language accounts over the next few business days.

Now that we're expanding the beta, we'd like to answer a few questions we heard during the initial test:

When should I use the Opportunities tab?
You can think of the Opportunities tab as your homepage for account optimization. You can use the tab to get a quick overview of Google's customizedkeyword and budget ideas for your campaigns and ad groups. You can also compare the impact of different ideas before making changes. So, if you're looking to increase your keyword coverage for a specific product, or have your ads appear more often for your existing keywords, the Opportunities tab is a great place to start.

We regularly update our list of ideas, so even if you've visited the Opportunities tab in the past, you may want to check back every few weeks to see if your keyword or budget ideas have changed.

Where did my AdWords Tools go?
We're not retiring any of the existing AdWords tools with the Opportunities tab beta test, but we've changed where they're found. If you're included in the Opportunities tab beta, you'll no longer see a Tools tab. Instead, you can access AdWords tools by clicking on the Opportunities tab and scrolling down the menu on the side of the page. You can also see lists of ideas by campaign by clicking on any of your campaigns listed in the menu on the left side.

To see a full list of available tools, simply click the "More tools..." link at the bottom of the list.

What optimization tools will I see in the future?
This beta test of the Opportunities tab is just a starting point for a broader set of optimization tools we hope to provide in the future. Over the coming months you can expect to see additional changes to the tab focused on giving you more insight into the broader search marketing landscape and more data to help you better estimate the effectiveness of new ideas.

Ultimately we want the Opportunities section of your account to evolve into a single destination you can visit whenever you want to get new ideas for increasing your ad coverage on relevant search terms, capturing additional clicks in your most profitable campaigns, or simply improving your overall ROI.

We plan to expand the Opportunities tab beta to all global advertisers over the coming weeks, and we'll continue working on improvements to the tab on an ongoing basis. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions for improving account optimization, please let us know by submitting feedback in your account.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009 at 4:09 PM

​New tool for brand advertisers on the Google Content Network

​New tool for brand advertisers on the Google Content Network

Posted: 2010-03-04 14:56:32 UTC-08:00
Two types of advertisers run campaigns across the Google Content Network. The first group, direct response advertisers, measures the success of their campaigns by looking for clicks, traffic to their sites, and sales. In contrast, brand advertisers typically use display ads to raise awareness and purchase consideration for a product or service a person might buy down the road. Other advertisers are looking to achieve a combination of these goals.

On the Google Content Network, we've been focused on building new capabilities that make it a great place for brand advertising of all kinds. For example, last year we introduced frequency capping to enable advertisers to manage how often their campaign reaches the right users. We've also developed new innovative tools to measure the impact of brand campaigns. Today, in response to feedback from brand advertisers, we're announcing a new feature that allows these advertisers to reach their advertising goals more easily.

This feature, which filters out "below the fold" inventory, enables brand advertisers to be more selective about where ads appear. The new filter gives you the ability to show ads only in places that appear on the user's screen when the page loads, without requiring them to scroll down. Learn more in the Help Center.

With a host of different web browsers, monitor sizes, and screen resolutions, it’s hard for advertisers to predict where an ad will land, since the same placement may appear differently on each user's screen. To simplify the process for you, Google has implemented a statistically driven solution to determine which ads are above and below the fold. The statistically driven model only considers ads "above the fold" if they are completely on-screen when the browser window loads.

Our goal with this release is to give brand advertisers greater control over where their ads appear, and make the Google Content Network an even more powerful, controlled environment for running high performing brand campaigns.